If you have an email account, be aware of phishing on stinge.com. You will receive electronic mail directing you to a hosted page on stinge.com (see below for a few samples) that will attempt to phish your email credentials. Thankfully, if the page is reported, the host will take it down but in doing so, another one pops up.
* emailvalidation2016.stinge.com
* goodlyhelp.stinge.com
* ithelp.stinge.com
* itselfpasswordchange.stinge.com
* mailboxportalissuess.stinge.com
* owasadmin.stinge.com
* passwordvalidate2016.stinge.com
* secureonlineport.stinge.com
* servicedesk.stinge.com
While the host is reviewing the page, Chrome will alert users with the following message once users report it.
Deceptive site ahead
Attackers on stinge.com may trick you into doing something dangerous like installing software or revealing your personal information (for example, passwords, phone numbers, or credit cards).