Internet Explorer Security Tool

Please be advised that Microsoft has released an Internet Explorer Security Tool to fix a bug with Internet Browser. Therefore, I urge you to follow the following instructions for the installation of the Security Tool. This fix will prevent hackers to take remote control of an infected system. If you encounter a problem, please let me know and I will attempt to assist you.

1. First, acquire the EMET Setup.msi file from Microsoft’s website.
2. Next, click on Run option when prompted.
3. On the Wizard window* when shown, click on Next.
4. On the installation folder window, click Next.
5. On the License Agreement window, select Agree and click Next.
6. On the Confirm installation window, click Next.
7. Let the installation run fully to the Installation Complete prompt.
8. On the Installation Complete window, click Done.

Note: Depending on the configuration of your Operating System, you may be required to install .Net 2.0 before the EMET Setup.msi will work in Step 3.

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Stephan Pringle

Technology Support Specialist at Sipylus
About The Author: Stephan Pringle is an Information Technology Support Specialist. He covers hardware and software and provides tips for you to troubleshoot and repair issues on your own. In his spare time, he writes articles about the State of New York on his Hackintosh and HackBook and that has helped him to become the top contributor of the New York City section of Yahoo! Answers.

Stephan Pringle

About The Author: Stephan Pringle is an Information Technology Support Specialist. He covers hardware and software and provides tips for you to troubleshoot and repair issues on your own. In his spare time, he writes articles about the State of New York on his Hackintosh and HackBook and that has helped him to become the top contributor of the New York City section of Yahoo! Answers.