I partitioned a 4TB drive on my home network in ten and gave each partition the name of a planet in the solar system.
* Sun – Operating System
* Mercury – Software Programs
* Venus – Web-based Programs
* Earth – MS Office Data
* Mars – Pictures
* Jupiter – Videos
* Saturn – Music
* Uranus – Drivers
* Neptune – Demo/Trial Software
* Pluto – ISO Images
Should the Operating System become corrupted and fails to boot, a wipe can be done leaving the data on the other partitions safe.
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Stephan Pringle
Technology Support Specialist at Sipylus
About The Author: Stephan Pringle is an Information Technology Support Specialist. He covers hardware and software and provides tips for you to troubleshoot and repair issues on your own. In his spare time, he writes articles about the State of New York on his Hackintosh and HackBook and that has helped him to become the top contributor of the New York City section of Yahoo! Answers.