Are you trying to use the AppleALC.kext on macOS Big Sur? You may find it broken if you are still using FakeSMC.kext instead of VirtualSMC.kext. If your system requires FakeSMC.kext to boot, then your other option would be to try VoodooHDA.kext.
When starting out, my system needed VoodooHDA and FakeSMC and over time, VoodooHDA was swapped out for AppleALC. AppleALC then became broken with FakeSMC so that was then swapped to VirtualSMC. Eventually, the Clover bootloader will go as far as it can go, and then I will have to swap that out for the OpenCore bootloader but when that day comes, I will hold out for the hardware to die or the browser becomes incompatible with surfing the web and since it is a Hackintosh, I can dual-boot into another OS such as Windows and Linux and interact with the Internet there.
I hope that the information helps in fixing audio issues on a Hackintosh so that you can get your tasks done.