I have found a great way to block YouTube Advertisement and I find that it works with all browsers and operating systems that is capable of viewing YouTube.
What You Will Need
– An Internet Browser with Tabs
– Knowledge of Bookmarks and Shortcuts
Create a bookmark or desktop shortcut for Bing Search as Bing will be used later on as your YouTube player. It will be required for publishers with a channel of over 10,000 views.
Removing The Ads
When you need to see a YouTube video, copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to see into the Bing Search box that you have open in another tab. When it is found by Bing Search, select the ‘Click to view on Bing’ link. The YouTube video will start to play and without any pre-roll ads as Bing’s servers are filtering them out. While the video is playing, be sure to right-click and disable annotations so that any popup banner ads will not show/float over the video. Ads or promotions that are recorded directly into the video (sponsors for the video) will always show and you will need to fast forward around these.
Supporting the Video Channel
If the video was useful to you, you can then open the video in a new tab so any ads will show. It will also give you the chance to comment on the video should comments not be disabled or download any attachments the publisher linked to in their description. Be aware that those links can be monetized as well with AdFly.