Local Administrator Stephan Pringle Thursday, June 12, 2003 Did you know that the built-in Local Administrator account on your computer has a higher access level to the system than a normal local administrator… Continue Reading
Confirm Successful Logins to SSH Stephan Pringle Wednesday, June 11, 2003 How can you confirm successful logins to SSH? It is simple: use the “last” utility from the root. last -da The command above will let… Continue Reading
No Signal Stephan Pringle Tuesday, June 10, 2003 One error message I hate to see when troubleshooting is a “No Signal” on the monitor as there are numerous events that could have caused… Continue Reading
Inspiron 1100 Stephan Pringle Monday, June 9, 2003 In April 2003, I decided to order a Dell Inspiron 1100 to add to my IT equipment and this is the information on it from their website.… Continue Reading
Password for Wachovia Gift Cards Stephan Pringle Sunday, June 8, 2003 Looking for the default password for Wachovia Gift Cards? Well, try using the last six numbers of the card. When you are in, make the… Continue Reading
Preventing 500 Read Timeout Errors Stephan Pringle Saturday, June 7, 2003 There may be a time that you or your visitors will try to look at your online resume, portfolio or blog and during the visit,… Continue Reading
Local Number on Your Resume Stephan Pringle Friday, June 6, 2003 Are you applying for a job in another US State? One way to appear that you are in the state that you are applying for… Continue Reading