Locate the Send to Folder Stephan Pringle Tuesday, May 13, 2003 It can be very tricky to locate the Send to folder in the Windows OS so here is what you need to do repair or… Continue Reading
Editing an .htaccess File Stephan Pringle Monday, May 12, 2003 There are numerous ways to go about in editing an .htaccess file. On Microsoft Windows * Edit the file with Microsoft Notepad then upload via… Continue Reading
HP Support Wizard Stephan Pringle Sunday, May 11, 2003 Looking for the HP Support Wizard? A link to remember is www.hp.com/go/ispe. The HP Support Wizard is the entry point to HP’s guided support process… Continue Reading
Preboot Menu on HP Printers Stephan Pringle Saturday, May 10, 2003 If you are trying to locate the Preboot Menu on HP Printers, I have some information to get you there from troubleshooting Compaq and HP… Continue Reading
Buying Tools for PC Repair Stephan Pringle Friday, May 9, 2003 When buying tools for PC repair, keep in mind that you may have to travel via air and that tools that are over seven (7)… Continue Reading
Missing Re-install Now Button Stephan Pringle Thursday, May 8, 2003 If you have a missing Re-Install Now button in your WordPress installation and has tried to find a solution but turned up blank, try using… Continue Reading
Microsoft Word Force Exit Stephan Pringle Wednesday, May 7, 2003 If Microsoft Word force exit on you, you will be required to install and execute Microsoft Security Essentials. Once you have completed the installation task,… Continue Reading