How on earth do you get out of and get into full screen in Google Chrome? Well, if you are like me and is often up at midnight posting articles in low lighting conditions, you are bound to end up in full screen by accidentally hitting a single key that is located at the top row of your keyboard.
Enable or Disable with Keyboard
The F11 key is used to both enter and exit full screen in Google Chrome and is often pressed accidentally by users while attempting to select a numbered key on the row below. With the keys in close proximity (especially on laptop used by night owls), it happens frequently.
I often hit the F11 key by accident when attempting to select the open and closed brackets on the keyboard as I use the open and closed brackets to identify area codes in phone numbers and also in math equations. To reduce myself from hitting the F11 key by accident, I have added a proper light source near my keyboard for my desktop computer to use while I type and has switched over to a laptop which has illuminated keys.
Enable or Disable with Mouse
There isn’t a way to go full screen with the mouse but you can maximize the window with the mouse or use the F11 key. There was an option to do so with the mouse but Google has removed it but not completely. It is buried deep in the browser under their flags.