Insufficient Memory

If you are receiving an Insufficient Memory error when printing fillable PDF forms, I have a solution that should help. The affected computer will need access to the Internet so that you can download a software program which is a PDF converter.

Error Message

This job requires more memory than is available in this printer. Try one or more of the following and then print again:
For the output format choose Optimize for portability.
Reduce the number of fonts in this document.
Print the document in parts.

1. Download and install free version of CutePDF Writer.
1a. If you have Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can use this instead.
1b. Some antivirus software sees the CutePDF installer as PUPs due to bundled apps.
1c. Install the CutePDF software using the custom feature to uncheck bundled apps.
2. Print the troubled document but this time, choose CutePDF as your printer.
3. Follow the prompts by CutePDF Writer software.
4. Locate the converted file you just saved from CutePDF and then print it normally.
5. You should no longer get a blank page or the above error message when printing.

Why CutePDF
The CutePDF software (Adobe PDF if you have the licensed version of Acrobat Pro) reduces the number of fonts as you saw stated in the above error message making it uneditable and easier to print.

Affected Models
Brother HL-1060 BR-Script2
Brother HL-1070 BR-Script2
Brother HL-2060 BR-Script2
(Brother HL-660 series)
Brother HL-1260 BR-Script2
Brother HL-1260e BR-Script2
Brother HL-1660 BR-Script2
Brother HL-1660e BR-Script2
Digital DEClaser 5100
Dataproducts Typhoon 20
Dataproducts Typhoon 8
Dataproducts Typhoon 8PM
Kyocera FS-1200 (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-1600 (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-1600+ (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-1700 (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-1700+ (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-3600 (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-3600+ (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-3700 (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-3700+ (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-6300 (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-6700 (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-7000 (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-1600A (KPDL-2)
Kyocera FS-3600A (KPDL-2)
HP DeskJet 1600CM
HP LaserJet 6P/6MP
Lexmark Optra LaserPrinter
Lexmark Optra Ep LaserPrinter
Lexmark Optra K 1220 Laser Printer
Lexmark Optra Plus LaserPrinter
Okidata OL610e/PS PostScript
Tektronix Phaser 300i v2013.113
Tektronix Phaser 300J v2013.113

Special Thanks
Microsoft for the list of affected printers.
Afro Software Inc. for the CutePDF software.

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Stephan Pringle

Technology Support Specialist at Sipylus
About The Author: Stephan Pringle is an Information Technology Support Specialist. He covers hardware and software and provides tips for you to troubleshoot and repair issues on your own. In his spare time, he writes articles about the State of New York on his Hackintosh and HackBook and that has helped him to become the top contributor of the New York City section of Yahoo! Answers.

Stephan Pringle

About The Author: Stephan Pringle is an Information Technology Support Specialist. He covers hardware and software and provides tips for you to troubleshoot and repair issues on your own. In his spare time, he writes articles about the State of New York on his Hackintosh and HackBook and that has helped him to become the top contributor of the New York City section of Yahoo! Answers.