If these items are kept with you at home, be sure to keep them safe but in easy reach in emergencies. If you will have to leave the home permanently or for an extended time, take them along with you. This way, they are not damaged by intent (ie. by a spouse that you are divorcing) or by accident by fire, floods and other natural disasters.
* Medication – OTC, Prescription
* Keys – House, Auto, Business, Storage, Post Office, Safe
* Government-issued Identification (for self and children)
* Birth certificates, Social Security Cards (for self and children)
* Passports, Green Cards, Work Permits, Visas
* Access/Store/Credit/Debit Cards
* Public Assistance ID/Medicaid Cards
* Order of Protection, Police Reports
* Money, Checkbooks, Bank Books
* Tax Returns
* Divorce or Separation Papers
* Paternity Papers, as necessary
* Address Books
* School/Vaccination Records
* Insurance Papers
* Lease, Rental Agreements, or House Deeds
* Auto/Mortgage Payment Book
* Children’s Toys, Security Blankets, Stuffed Animals
* Sentimental Items, Photos
* Personalized Safety Plan
* A Keep Near for Emergencies List