Did you know that magnifiers and magnifying glass can be helpful to you as a technician? Often, the parts that you will need to replace will have miniature labels that can not be see clearly with the naked eyes but these can be picked up easily by a barcode scanner or inexpensive magnifiers & magnifying glass.
The benefits of the magnifiers & magnifying glass over the scanner is that they do not need to be powered and due to their size, are easy to transports with your tools on service calls. Below are a few stores in the United Stated that will carry these products.
* Barnes & Noble
* Dollar Tree
* Rite Aid
* Target
* Walmart
What You Should Know
Magnification depends upon where it is placed between your eye and the object being viewed. If you are looking for a local store with magnifiers and magnifying glass, see above. When you visit, take along a sample to magnify so that you can compare the magnification.