Would you hunt down a provider who has a Search Engine Submission Tool? Such a tool used to be included with cPanel but unfortunately, it got dropped due to the fact that websites are spidered nowadays without the necessity of submitting to any search engines.
Thanks in part to numerous improvements, modern Search Engines will detect links to your website from other websites so those tool are no longer needed anymore so create one of numerous Social Networks (ie. YouTube) account that will allow you to link back to your website.
Keep in mind that the links might be encrypted or have nofollow tags but still will be helpful to you.
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Stephan Pringle
Technology Support Specialist at Sipylus
About The Author: Stephan Pringle is an Information Technology Support Specialist. He covers hardware and software and provides tips for you to troubleshoot and repair issues on your own. In his spare time, he writes articles about the State of New York on his Hackintosh and HackBook and that has helped him to become the top contributor of the New York City section of Yahoo! Answers.