Spoofed: My Who’s Who Network

While checking for email, be sure to watch out for the following “My Who’s Who Network” email. Once received, forward it to your security administrator so that they can block future emails from that email server.

As you are more then likely aware, you were recently selected for inclusion in the 2014 edition of the Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals. Despite our efforts, we have not yet received confirmation of your biographical profile, and are reaching out to you again in an effort to do so.

The tradition of the Who’s Who reaches back more then 100 years to a time when the prestigious and accomplished were featured in a yearly publication that defined high society. Today, the Who’s Who provides a useful resource where business professionals, academics, and Executives are both recognized for their achievements and provided with an unparalleled networking resource. Using our database, you can make global contacts, discuss current events and happenings with your peers, and establish yourself as either a mentor to aspiring professionals or further your business network.

Click Here

Our goal is to seek out the premier executives and professionals throughout the world. There is absolutely no cost or obligation for your biographical profile. Simply click this link to fill out the appropriate biographical fields.

Click Here


JT Richards
Managing Director
Who’s Who Among Executives and Professionals

To unsubscribe please go here
Or Write to:
My Who’s Who Network
PO Box 34628
Seattle, WA 98124-1628

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Stephan Pringle

Technology Support Specialist at Sipylus
About The Author: Stephan Pringle is an Information Technology Support Specialist. He covers hardware and software and provides tips for you to troubleshoot and repair issues on your own. In his spare time, he writes articles about the State of New York on his Hackintosh and HackBook and that has helped him to become the top contributor of the New York City section of Yahoo! Answers.

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  • - Thursday, February 27, 2025

Stephan Pringle

About The Author: Stephan Pringle is an Information Technology Support Specialist. He covers hardware and software and provides tips for you to troubleshoot and repair issues on your own. In his spare time, he writes articles about the State of New York on his Hackintosh and HackBook and that has helped him to become the top contributor of the New York City section of Yahoo! Answers.