Watch out for a similar phishing email from coworkers and students who got their accounts compromised. It usually comes listed with a female contact on free email accounts by Microsoft and male contact on free email accounts by Google. This may however change in the future and include a free email account from Yahoo.
CAUTION: This email originated outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Hello !
This is to notify you about an available part time vacancy. [full name] needs a part time pet sitter to care for her/his lovely pet dog for nine hours every week.
She/He offers to pay [offer]. Please contact [email address] for more information. Remember to email her/him with your private email not your work/school email when applying.
Below is up updated version sent to the honeypot.
CAUTION: This email originated outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Hi, my name is [full name]. I am a staff here in [Institution Name]. My uncle is moving to the school area and needs someone who can pet sit or and walk his English Bull dog 2 hours daily within 9am-11pm. Pay is [offer]. Kindly email him for more info [email address]. You are to contact him with your personal email NOT school email so he can receive your email because most times I email him with my school email he hardly receives my emails.
So why private email? They know that the IT Department will lock down the account quickly for strange activity but on a private account, you are going to have to deal with the host for your email account directly. Plus, your account is often used to register for Social Media and banking and this will give the attacker access to those so it is important to have two-factor authentication on your important sites.
Phishing Contacts
Mrs. Charisa Green / / $350 weekly
Mrs. Gabriella Hudson / / $400 weekly
Dr. Elliana Jacobs / / $400 weekly
Mrs. Ayla Madeson / / $400 weekly
Mrs. Ruth Stone / / $400 weekly
Dr Mark Thomas / / $400 weekly
Dr. Lisa Williams / / $400 weekly
My uncle / / $300 weekly